Grocery Relief 

is a Life Support ministry of

New Covenant Church,

providing a monthly box of food

for households in the

Delano District and beyond.


Each family will be asked to contribute $5 or 1 hour of community for New Covnant each month to be a part of the program. Families shop for their own food on a point system based on their family size. 


  • Distribution: last Friday of month — 4:00 -6:00 pm
  • Includes 1recipe/ingredients
  • Participation in the program is limited, first consideration given to residents of Delano
  • Identification is required
  • We believe it is good for the soul to give back to the community.  We request each client serve two hours of community service/month (client’s choice)


Make an appointment to pick up application

Call 316-943-1884

1718 W Douglas


Email to have an application emailed to you.


1710 W Douglas

Wichita, KS 67203



1718 W Douglas

Wichita, KS 67203


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New Covenant Church - The Place of New Beginnings